Welcome Foodies!

Who doesn't love to travel and try new foods? This is something my family loves to do. We love visiting new places and finding those hole in the wall, or restaurants we have never had before. 

Then March of 2020 hit and travel stopped! Trips cancelled! 

We are originally from the Chicagoland area, where there is deep dish pizza, delicious hot dogs, and any kind of food you can think of on most street corners. We love getting deep dish pizza and hot dogs from Portillo's shipped to use multiple times a year. My husband had this idea to start ordering food from all 50 states. Now we didn't think we would be in this pandemic as long as we have been, but it is what it is at this point. We started with Illinois....hello we know what we love from there....and branched out from there. 

Follow along to see the foods we ate, what we loved and didn't love, and who knows maybe you will be inspired to try something new along the way. Who knows I might throw in some fun recipes we tried at home! 

I am not a writer and will do my best here! 

We are wannabe foodies at heart! 
