I know this is a food "blog", but there is more to me than just my love of food. I figure I would share some of that today.
I have always loved books and they have become something that I hope my girls love as well. My oldest loves to read, especially now that she can read all on her own. Last year was a ROUGH year of reading. I think I read a total of 5 books last year! I had a goal of 25. Needless to say I could not hold any attention to books at all.
At the beginning of the year I decided that I was going to listen to more books. It would be easier with 2 kiddos having to chase around and entertain. Of course I will read books on my Kindle (what else am I going to do when putting the girls to bed) and I also have a HUGE stack of books to read. I will get to them at some point.
So.....here is my January Round Up on the books I read. I am not a book blogger or influencer at all. I just love books and want to share. Maybe you will find something that interest you.
FIRST UP: "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*CK" by Mark Manson
I have had this in actual book form for YEARS! I just never got around to reading it. I figured I could list to it because it was about 4ish hours long to listen to. A day read. This would fall under the self help category. It's all about just what the title says....not giving a f**k. If you are looking for a story telling kind of self help that doesn't come across in your face this is it. I put his second book on my reading list.
Second read: "Dear Girls" by Ali Wong
If you listen to any book you have to listen to this one! She reads it and it is HILARIOUS! This book was suggested to me from a parent at where I work. I listened to this book in a day! I could not put it down! I could never be this honest and open with my kids. It is the most truthful book about her life and what she would share with her girls about how growing up and meeting her husband was. I highly suggest this book but you HAVE TO LISTEN TO IT! It is great!
Third read: "Virgin River" by Robyn Carr
If you didn't know there's a new series on Netflix called Virgin River. It's a good series and it's based off a book series. A friend from work said I needed to read them. Now there are a lot of books in this series. It will be one that I will be working through, but I have other books I really want to read. I loved this book and man is it TOTALLY different than the series. COMPLETELY different. I am one who always thinks the books are better and in this case that is true. If you have watched the series and read the books then you know they don't line up that much. My mom won't even watch it because the books and show are so different. She likes the books more.
There you have it! My January reads. I am already on my 7th book for the year....what has happen to me? I found my love of books again and plan on listening and reading them throughout this year.
What book should I add to my list? Do you listen to books....what service do you use?
Happy Reading!
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