The City That Never Sleeps

The City that Never Sleeps......let's be honest it did in 2020 for a hot minute.....but usually it's the city that never sleeps and let me just tell you they come around this eating adventure a few times! NEW YORK is a place I want to visit as an adult so I can eat my way through it. I know that New York and Chicago have a thing about their pizzas.....this is not that kind of post! The first thing we ordered from New York was one of the BEST sandwiches I HAVE EVER HAD! I want to go there just to have them make it for me. Katz's Delicatessen makes an AMAZING Reuben. Before I get to that let's do a little background on them. They have been around since 1888....It started with two brothers, and then they were bought out as they brought people on. On the Lower East side they are a staple and on Friday nights everyone would turn out for some franks and beans (what they are known for). During WWII all of the owner's sons (three of them) were serving in the war. They w...